Coaching Tips

Coaching Tips: Staying fit

Warm up as normal listed below for those who have forgotten.

  1. Calf and quad stretch10sec each leg
  2. 10m knee hugs
  3. 10m ankle to knee stretch
  4. 10m toe taps (walking on toes)
  5. 10m lunge with hamstring stretch too
  6. 10m quad stretch
  7. 20m A-skip
  8. 20m B-skip
  9. 20m side skip right
  10. 20m side skip left
  11. 20m grape vine right
  12. 20m grape vine left

And run throughs

  1. 70% effort
  2. 80% effort
  3. 90% effort

Week 1

  1. High speed session: 10 x 40m flying sprints (40m sprint with 10-15m runup) with 2-3 minutes between each sprint.
  2. Speed endurance session: 120m, 140m, 160m, 180m, 160m, 140m & 120m all with a walk back recovery
  3. Speed fitness session: 3 x 3 laps (run 100m fast and jog 100m slow rest) rest for 2 minutes between each 3 lap set.

Week 2

  1. High speed session: 40m, 50m, 60m 70m, 80m, 70m, 60m, 50m & 40m with a slow walk back recovery.
  2. Speed endurance session: 8 x 120m standing start with a walk back recovery.
  3. Speed fitness session: 3 x 3 laps (run 100m fast and jog 50m slow rest) rest for 2 minutes between each 3 lap set.

Try and organise group meetups with other friends and aths squad members. It’s much easier to train with others than by yourself.

Good luck and remember if the average oval is 400m you can work out rough distances from that. i.e. half an oval is 200m a quarter of an oval is 100m