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Club Newsletter 13/12/2021

Hi Maccabi Athletic club members and friends,
The Maccabi Athletic Club 60th AGM and Presentation Night will be held this Wednesday 15th December at Caulfield Park pavilion starting 7.30pm.

Special guest will be Jemima Montag (club Life Member)

AGM Notice

Club athletes and friends and Maccabiah Games nominees and their families are invited to attend.

And what a weekend of amazing Running – on the track and on the roads!

AVSL round 5 competition was held at Casey and Aberfeldie on the weekend with an array of personal bests being set by Maccabi athletes.

  • 13-year-old Ben Blecher just keeps getting faster –clocking a PB of 24.22 sec for the 200m and thereby qualifying for the Australian Championships in the under 15 age group (24.24 sec!)
  • Ori Drabkin also recorded a massive 200m PB 29.22 sec – making him the unofficial fastest male T35 athlete in Australia over 200m
  • David Blecher (23.04sec PB), Adam Benson (25.84sec) and Myer Vorchheimer also ran excellent races
  • And at Aberfeldie 15-year-old Gidi Datt edged so close to the junior Maccabiah Games 100m qualifying time with a PB of 11.96sec (Q is 11.84sec).
  • Whilst Ethan Weiss leapt 5.18m in the long jump
And the intra-club competition standings after round 5 are
The Nike Melbourne Marathon Festival was held over the weekend with some fantastic results:

  • The Traub brothers, Jared, Davin and Rowan all ran the 5K – and all ran huge pbs finishing high up in their various age groups. Jared (18m20s) and Davin (19.56)  finishes 6th and 8th respectively in the 14-17 age group whilst Rowan came 12th (22.250) in the under 13 division
  • 17 year old Jarrod Zuchowski was sensational running the ½ marathon in 78min 39sec coming 11th in the 20-24 age division!
  • Marathoners Ben Kluwgant 2hr 42min 57 sec and Dan Wein 2.45.24 were standouts in the 25-29 age division
  • And it was great to see a few parents of our athletes running so well in the half and marathon, including Michael Benson, Gavin Donner, Craig Traub and Clive Finkelstein (just to name a few)
  • Another highlight was Jemima Montag who race walked the ½ marathon in 99min 17sec finishing 17th out of the 379 runners in her age bracket!
  • There were so many more Jewish athletes competing – setting pbs, reaching goals and just enjoying the thrill of the competition and satisfaction of completing the gruelling events.

High Velocity and Miler’s Club races will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday this week with many of our members running including sprinters David Blecher, Jayden Donner, Jordan Levy and Toby Hearst as well as middle-distance runners Shanie Landen, Asher Grodski, Jared and Davin Traub and Emma de Jong.

The sixth round of AVSL competition will be held at Knox this Saturday the 18th December.
Events include 100m, 400m 1500m and the 4×100 relays
Entries via the AV website for Saturday’s competition are open till Wednesday midday.

Please contact our AVSL manager Christina for any queries or further information.

Here is the link to all the AVSL rounds – with venues and timetables:

In summary – there will be one further round before the Christmas break and 4 rounds in the new year as follows:

Round 6 18/12 Knox

Round 7 15/1 Lakeside – Twilight Meet
Round 8 22/1 Duncan Mackinnon- Twilight Meet
Round 9 5/2 Casey
Round 10 12/2 Lakeside

Training this week:

  • Tuesday 14th December – TBC
  • Thursday 16th December. No training
  • Sunday 19th December: TBC

Keep well.


Len Bogatin (0411 512404)

Maccabi Athletic Club

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Jemima Montag Breaks the Aus Record


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